Call for Special Issue - Covid-19 pandemic (PDF)
Call for Special Issue (PDF)
Reviewer List 2024 (PDF)
„Jubilee Edition“ / Part II - 10 years of SW&S: “Working at the border”
Open Access Journals have been established in the late 1990s and early 2000s. As a reaction on the paradoxical situation of having for the first time the technical possibilities to open the access to a global audience through the internet, but experiencing main international publishers going the other way around by raising the rates for the existing journals massively, the international open access movement adopted the Budapest Open Access Initiative in February 2002 and the Berlin Declaration on Open Access in 2003.
In that context a group of international scholars from social work and social policy decided in 2001 to implement Social Work & Society. After one and a half year of preparation in autumn 2003 the first issue of SW&S was ready to be launched on
As an early pioneer of open access publishing SW&S joined the Digital Peer Publishing Initiative NRW in 2005 and has been supported by the German Research Foundation from 2009 till 2012.
In the tenth year SW&S is now a very well known international Open Access Journal, valued by a growing number of users.
Therefore the Editorial and the Advisory Board really want to thank all authors, reviewers and not at least the users for their support and interest in the last ten years!
We are really happy to present you the second part of our jubilee edition (Vol 10, Issue 2): The new SW&S.Special Issue on “Working at the border”, edited by Catrin Heite (Zurich), Fabian Kessl (Duisburg-Essen) and Susanne Maurer (Marburg); main articles by Margrit Brückner (Frankfurt) on “Understanding Professional Care from the Viewpoint of Care Receivers and Care Givers – The Necessity of a Special Care Rationality”, Priscilla Dunk-West (Adelaide) on “The Sexual Self and Social Work and Policy, or, Why Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Programmes miss the Point”, Rashmi Gupta (San Francisco) / Vijayan K. Pillai (Arlington) on “Elder Caregiving in South-Asian Families in the United States and India”, Zuzana Havrdová / Jiří Šafr / Ingrid Štegmannová (Prague) on “Positions of Social Workers’ Views About Residential Care for People with Dementia”, Marek Perlinski / Björn Blom / Stefan Morén (Umeå) on “Different Worlds Within Swedish Personal Social Services. Social Worker’s Views on Conditions for Client Work in Different Organisational Models.” and Damian Spiteri (Malta) on “Does the Adoption of an In-Depth Questioning Approach Promote Self-Reflexivity? Its Application to the Social Work Education Context.”; three research notes and the current SW&S.Historical Portrait on Clifford W. Beers (by Hans Oh and Jordan DeVylder).
This is in the tenth year – the Open Access-Journal for Critical International Debates on Social Work & Social Policy!
Thanks for your interest and a stimulating reading, again,
The SW&S.Co-Ordinating Office